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New Year’s Resolution.Blog


"New Year’s Resolution."

Now that we’ve welcomed in 2017, we are more than eager to begin working hard towards accomplishing our weight loss resolutions. We kick off January by eating fruits, vegetables and proteins. And have even enrolled for a membership at our local gym. At night, we make every effort possible to get enough hours of sleep. The first week of January has passed and everything is going as anticipated. Now we’re feeling full of energy and more motivated than ever! During the second week we receive an invitation from our friends and decide to skip the gym just for today. We think to ourselves, "I’ll make up for it this weekend". Week number three has rolled in and we’re driving home with little to no energy, and to top things off we’re starving! Suddenly, there’s an oversized "M" approaching our way! What’s the first thought that comes to mind? "A single day of cheating on my diet won’t hurt", we think, so we decide to drive thru and grab a quick meal. Surprise! It is now the end of January and we have completely stopped going to the gym, eating healthy and lack hours of sleep.

Year after year we make the same resolutions to lose weight or stay healthy but it seems nearly impossible to stick to them! You probably thought it’d be a lot simpler to eat as healthy as your favorite celeb does or fit more gym days into your tight schedule. The fact of the matter is that you have what it takes! You had the willpower to start making changes in your habits to live a healthier lifestyle. There’s still hope, don’t give up now! If you need support from others, all you have to do is ask. How about inviting a friend to the gym or to enjoy a healthy and delicious dinner plate together? Whatever you do...don’t give up!

Need help creating a diet and exercise plan? Don’t know where to begin? We can help! Not everyone can achieve the same results with the same exercise routine or shed weight sticking to the "latest" or "most trending" diet. This is why the experts at at Imagen Laser have created the program "New Year’s Resolution".

What does this program include? You’ll meet with nutritionists, weight management specialists and medical assistants. They’ll guide you in choosing a plan fit for you, including a diet plan and the right dietary supplements to assist in weight loss. The final step includes a stabilization plan to prevent weight rebound. Call now for more details about our program "New Year’s Resolution". Don’t let another year pass by wishing you had accomplished your weight goals. You can achieve your resolution this year if you take the first step and call today. Before you know it, you’ll be able to say, "I did it! I accomplished my New Year’s Resolution!"

Imagen Laser is a one stop solution for all Laser and Cosmetic treatment needs including laser hair removal, facials, wart removals, acne scars, etc. We also offer massage therapies, micropigmentation, botox, and much more! Contact us today for a free consultation.

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